Things in life - Dennis Brown

como me gusta el reggae, me encanta, en mi proxima vida me gustaria der un rasta muyyy negro ser pesacador y escuchar todos los dias reggae, tener hijos con una linda esposa, y disfrutar cada minuto.

It's not everyday we're gonna be the same way
there must be a change somehow
there are bad times and good times too
So have a little faith in what you do
cause you don't seem to realize
the things you've got to face in life
today you're up, tomorrow you're down
so thank God that you're still around town

Though we've got to work like slaves
just to eat a piece of bread
but as we go along each day we'll find
happiness to sooth the mind cause
it's not everyday we're gonna be the same way
there must be a change somehow
there are bad times and good times too
So have a little faith in what you do


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