
Youre hollow kid
More how Im to do
Let the heart give us some
Set the word seeds
Like flowers they
Shine out when
I find what will make you
Love me
Life is our find
Hollow is he
(tricky section)
So hollow
Dont back
Over someone who
(? )
Follow thee
How, how I feel
(tricky section)
So hollow
How i
Go on
(tricky section)

I cant breathe and I cant see
Mtv moves too fast, I refuse to understand
You go your way and Ill see mine
Feels like wasted time
And it feels like I must be blind
Howd you like yourself, you dont know yourself

I smell of she and I fail to be
Well, anyway.. well, anyway.. well, anyway..

I cant breathe and I cant see
I cant see and I cant breathe

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